Monday, April 4, 2011


#10. Return to Sleepaway Camp - Stands out as one of the best horror/unintentional comedy's of the past decade. Universally panned, people just don't understand it.

#9. The Dark Knight - Highly overrated, but decent Batman flick. Heath Ledger would have been more suited to portraying an escaped lunatic rather than the Joker.

#8. Burn After Reading - This film grows on you like a tumor. Fairly unique comedy in an age of familiarity.

#7. Slumdog Millionaire - Best Picture winner for 2008. No, it didn't deserve that acclaim, but it's still worth seeing. Some of it is pretty brutal and opens the Western eye to life in the world's most populated democracy.

#6. Role Models - In a decade of obscene, downright lousy and forgettable comedy flicks, this one stands out like Israel on a map of the Middle East. For the first time since American Pie, Sean William Scott is funny.

#5. Revolutionary Road - Downright depressing, but the art direction and costume design are to die for. And it's great to see these two in a film together again.

#4. Frost/Nixon - Whether you Love or hate Nixon, the film is entertaining. Not too many movies like this anymore, though I do have a slight problem with the way Nixon is portrayed.

#3. W - Another film about a President, this was the first film about a current (upon release) commander and chief. I can take some issue with how W is portrayed but overall it is fair. Underrated and a box office flop, it deserved more.

#2. Gran Torino - Eastwood's greatest. Not that he had too much competition.

#1. The Wrestler - This has been semi-remade into Black Swan. But this is much superior. Enjoy it now.

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